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Showing posts from July, 2017

Preparing our students with 21st Century skills

Nowadays there is a growing awareness of the importance of new media literacies in educative contexts. Many schools around the world are supplementing the traditional three Rs (reading, writing and 'rithmetic) with the implementation of media literacy skills. Hockly, N. (2013) "Digital Literacy".  Before stating our point of view on this new phenomenon, we consider necessary to explain what digital literacies are. According to Hockly (2013), they refer to our ability to effectively make use of technologies at our disposal; not only technical skills but also the social practices that surround the use of new media. That is, for example, not just how to create a blog but also how to use it, and to whom it is directed. The author suggests that digital literacies can be divided into four main areas:  Those with a focus on language:  Despite the fact texting literacies are believed to have a negative effect on the students ‘development, they should be...